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Transform yourself into something magical, colourful, creative and beautiful. 

Welcome to the Glitter Gypsy

We are a team of professional face painters, make-up artists and hair stylists based in the Mornington Peninsula.  We travel to all types of events and festivals spreading the love of glitter wherever we go.

Organising a special event or party and want something totally amazing to make it the talk of the town for weeks to come?  The Glitter Gypsy will sprinkle some glittery magic and take your event to the next level. With gorgeous paint, glitter and jewels for the face hair and body, we will transform you into something beautiful, colourful and creative.

Our team will create a pop-up magical boho stall where your guests can choose from a selection of festival inspired looks. Be transformed into anything from a glittering disco queen to a tribal Indian goddess.

No matter how big or small we can customise a package to suit your every whim.


See what we've been up to on Instagram...